Sunday 28 April 2013

A Used Condom Dropped In A Church Offering Box...By Who? That's The Question.

A lot of ugly news happens today not because people enjoy doing them but because you and I have allowed our soul to be porous such that Devil have become the sole driver of our minds.Look at lesbianism, homosexualism, terrorism. You see people using Axe to slice their fellow man. That is the manipulation of  the Devil through his demons; or have ever seen Devil with your naked eyes? But you can vividly see him through his victims who are possessed. 
Can you imagine somebody born of a woman dropping a used condom into an offering box in a church... OMG is too bad. May God deliver that soul from demonic possession in Jesus name...Amen.
Guide and Guard your soul from devilish influences. It starts gradually until it grows into maturity when you will crave to have sex before the Alter of God.
If you discover that you carry out some devilish acts against your will, then it is time you stand your ground and resist the Devil in You...
Are you possessed..I mean

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