Wednesday 25 September 2013

A Righteous Man Falls 7 Times And Rises 7 Times...

Before I commence, I want to start with apologizing to my fans; those that I starved with my exceptional updates. It was sincerely due to unforeseen circumstances which kept me offline for a very little while but being so passionate with what I do, I have to rise up and keep BLOGGING even if it warrants stretching my hand to make sure I never loose...Wink.
A very good morning to you all, hope you had a nice night sleep? I am wishing You a very successful day ahead...
Lastly my dearies, in all that you do never allow your mind to grow weak. Even when the body is weak, keep the mind strong. The real You is the Mind not the flesh; so even when you are making effort and it appears that you have a bad destiny...keep your mind airtight and never allow negative thoughts to pollute  your mind...rise up to your feet and keep pushing, never never give up. You are at the finishing line; so stretch that hand...streeeetch it...thatz the determination of a winner...Smiles
I Love You All... 

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