Monday 22 May 2017

Use Your Power As A Man To Make A Lovely Wife With This Powerful Secret.

Image result for surprise your wife in the kitchen
This is a vast topic but I am going to be handling it bit by bit in my subsequent posts. Do you agree with me that no beautiful relationship falls from heaven;it is usually planted,watered in love,pruned until it bears a beautiful fruit.I will address the men because that is what I am for I have dedicated my life patiently to study what molds a beautiful woman in a man's life and I discovered something that works over and over again till eternity and that is understanding yourself first as a man before you wish or drag a woman to understand you.When you attain this realm you will begin to charm your woman with the kind of love she has never seen...guess what,in your absence she will cry and desire your presence and not merry because you are away.
Mark this;
When you understand your power as a man by first understanding yourself,something spectacular begins to happen in your relationship and that is,you become creative with different situations.You will awaken the child in you and use it to create surprises for her.These surprises will wet her love for you day by day because you are solely the creator of those other man can create same in her life...That makes you unique.
Use your strength to grab her when she list expect it whether in the public or in the home,kiss her and tell her how unique and a beautiful she is...such actions registers in her both conscious and sub conscious mind.
In the days of disagreement she  will miss those moments dearly that she will begin to do some childish display telling you she is not complete without and do withhold the child in you to let go of grievances and keep loving her even more...This is your power and that will make a lovely woman whom her attitude will elongate your life.
This is what I call Heaven On Earth.

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