Tuesday 23 May 2017

Laziness By Staying Busy;A Chameleonic Poverty Parasite.

Funny enough we all think we know exactly what laziness is and the deep cut it can cause if not addressed.Playing games for good six hours and chatting on social media and likes are what we assume to be a form of laziness...busy doing nothing.
You'll will be highly retorted if you dare accuse a hardworking person of being lazy.
Laziness possess a chameleonic nature and its nature makes all us victims at any point in time.
Busy people are always the laziest people.They are usually too busy such that they do not attend to their family,health and getting rich.
You present to your job,work all day to the point that you are so exhausted to attend to your personal life and enrich yourself. In your spare time you go shopping,watch TV, play games...Laziness By Staying Busy.
But if you'll be honest to yourself you'll will discover that you're still poor even being so busy all the time.This is because the busy chameleon that eats your time all day prevents you from investing in your financial freedom.Your energy is exerted in the wrong direction all year round.
It does not matter how busy you are but the quality and outcome of what keeps you busy.
So take a very long look in your life.What's your excuses for not investing in your financial freedom quadrant...What are you really busy with???

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