Monday 7 October 2013

Scammers Hack Police HQ PR Department Email Account And Solicit For Funds.

Internet hackers today hacked into the official email account of the Nigeria Police Headquarters PR Department soliciting from cash from unsuspecting individuals.

When CKN Nigeria spoke to the spokesman of the Police,Frank Mba this morning after receiving the email, he denied the mail and assured us that ,investigation will commence on the source of the mail immediately.
This was the content of the emailPressfor Abuja

"Good Morning

How is the family? I'm sorry to bother you but please see this mail as an emergency. I don't like asking for this kind of favour but i just have no choice. I travelled to Canada on a course and wont be back till next week and unfortunately my niece who is serving as a corper had a nearly fatal accident this last night on her way home and she needs to undergo surgery which needs N257,000 naira to start the treatment on her and I just discovered I forgot my token device for on-line transfer in Nigeria so I cannot pay the doctor from here.

Please can you lend me some quick funds that I can give back as soon as I get in. Sorry for the inconvenience but I heard she is in a very bad condition and needs urgent attention as fast as possible. I can forward you details on how to pay the funds directly to the doctor since am not around so that her treatment would commence before I return.

I await your response.

God bless you"

The Nigeria Police PR Department on its part has quickly reacted as follows:
"In a quick response to the above mail soliciting for financial favour of N257,000.00 for treatment of a serving 'corper' who was allegedly involved in a nearly fatal accident, I wish to state clearly and unequivocally here as follows:

·The mail did not originate from Pressfor Abuja;
Pressfor Abuja does not have a niece presently serving as a 'Corper' in any state in Nigeria;
The mail is an attempt to defraud unsuspecting recipients.
You are however, advised to disregard every content of the mail in its entirety.

You are further advised to disregard every other e-mail soliciting for any financial assistance from Pressfor Abuja, as the Police are intensifying efforts to apprehend the suspected scammers."

Source: CKN Nigeria

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