Tuesday 1 October 2013

HaPpy InDepEnDa...NiGeriA @ 53...

"As we celebrate our flag and shambolic autarky at 52, we must realize that Nigeria is still more of a geographic contrivance as has been rightly posited by Chief Obafemi Awolowo. Not with our centrifugal excrescences preponderating over our centripetal proclivities. It’s a matter for mental pabulum that we are daily drifting into our ethnic cocoons.
We still remain one country with disparate ethnic agendas and I can say it for the umpteenth time again that we must sit down in a sovereign national colloquy to discuss the basis for our nationhood. Anything short of this is just vacuous scahiamachy.”
I am already confused before I finished reading it. But I thinks he means that we need to go back to our roots and live as one nation if we want to succeed as a country.

Great! Nigeria is 53 today. Philippians 2:13 says concerning Nigeria, "For it is God which worket in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure". I pray and declare that from this day and beyond, the Lord will empower Our Motherland from heaven against all your adversaries and make her a Giant among the giants.

Nigeria, arise!!! from your crawling...Stand, Walk, Jump and Fly. It is your time to exhibit true greatness.

Happy Birthday my dear Country...God bless Nigeria.

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