Saturday 11 May 2013

Hatred With Passion

Do you sometimes wonder why two people who once loved each other passionately will later become irritating enemies? That face that whenever you look at it, you feel like licking it till eternity will now turn to a nightmare whenever you set your eyes on it.
The question now is, 'why is it so and why is it too rampant these days?'. This is due to immaturity of mind. Inability to accommodate each other's excesses. Unwilling to accept that no one is perfect. Failure to appreciate how valuable what they were holding was. These are the major problems.
You see people reacting to every little thing, frowning at any little misdeed childishly. Thinking that there is an angel somewhere he/she should have lived with...
A broken relationship is a robbed relationship; when the devil sees that two you did not value that precious jewel kept in 'your' custody, he will strategize an avenue to increase disagreement in order to rob you.
A survived relationship is a relationship with pains and challenges but the two partners realizes that there are such pains and challenges elsewhere, therefore, they choose to accommodate each other and fight their weaknesses. Tomorrow you see them celebrating Silver and Golden jubilee and you admire them...make out time to ask them the full content of their journey.
Among these two scenarios, which one do you choose?

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