Saturday 14 September 2013


Despite a sub-sisting order of an Enugu State High Court, restraining Enugu State Government from demolishing stalls at the Old Park Market in Enugu metropolis without first relocating the 890 affected traders, the state government has pulled down stalls in the market.
Apart from the statutory shop owners in the market, no fewer than 2,000 other traders doing business in the market are to be displaced as the state government had served a fresh eviction notice to enable it demolish the entire structures in the market with effect from today.

In the first phase of the demolition exercise carried out under the supervision of Enugu Capital Territory Development Authority, ECTDA, about 66 stalls were brought down, while the remaining 824 were marked for demolition.
demolition: Demolition at Old Park Market in Enugu. INSETS: Traders affected by the exercise.

Government had last year indicated interest to relocate the traders in the market to enable it erect a shopping mall in the place and asked the affected traders to move to the new market on Aria Road.

However, when government began to issue quit notices to the affected traders, the traders proceeded to court on the ground that the so-called alternative allocation was not real.

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