Tuesday 20 August 2013

New York woman whose testimony at age 9 jailed father for rape now says she lied

Chaneya Kelly says that in 1997, she falsely accused Daryl Kelly, her father, of raping her after pressure and threats from her mother.

Nearly 16 years after a New York man was jailed for raping his 9-year-old daughter, that victim has publicly come forward admitting that she lied all along.

Chaneya Kelly, now 24, says the graphic stories she told about her father that sentenced him to 20-to-40 years in prison were never true.

"I'm 24 years old and I made this mistake when I was 9 years old," she told NBC, "but it's never too late to try and right your wrong."

It was October, 1997 when Chaneya...says her mother, a former drug abuser and occasional prostitute for drug money, pulled her aside while she was leaving their bathroom in Newburgh.

"She repeatedly asked me, has my dad touched me," recalled Chaneya. "I was like, 'What do you mean, did he touch me?' And she was like, 'Did he touch you in your no-no spot?' And I would repeatedly say no."

Her father, Daryl Kelly, a Navy veteran and married father of five, had been trying to kick a drug habit himself at the time but never harmed her in any way, she'd later say.

But her mother, not hearing what she wanted, became demanding, until allegedly threatening her: "If you don't tell me the answer that I want to hear, I'm going to beat you."

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