Sunday, 11 August 2013

Guess It’s All Our Fault: Chris Brown’s Seizure Allegedly Caused By ‘Constant Negativity”


On Friday, reports surfaced that Chris Brown had a seizure while at a recording studio. There were few details about what caused it but the news was that he’d suffered from them as a child.

Well, now we have our answer: if you’ve ever said something bad about Breezy, it was your fault.
That’s right, according to TMZ, Brown is blaming his seizure on the people who bring him down. They contacted his rep and received the following response when asked what triggered it:

It was due to “intense fatigue and extreme emotional stress, both due to the continued onslaught of unfounded legal matters and the nonstop negativity.”

He must have forgotten that it is his temper that seems to flare to the “Nth power” as soon as someone says something he doesn’t like. He must have forgotten that during that car accident situation from a couple of months ago, he was the one who gave false information.

So, we’re sorry, Chris, if you decided that you wanted to act like a member of a new millennium version of NWA and have given us no reason to really like you anymore. We’re sorry that you won’t take a break to get yourself together so that you know how to deal with pressure a bit better.

But please, spare us the sob story and be accountable.

That said, we don’t wish the worst on anyone so we truly hopes he finds out what triggered the seizure and can get it under control. There are many of us who know what stress can do to the body (and we don’t doubt that he has a lot of it) so maybe if he can get to a place where he finds some peace – because we know people will never stop talking – this type of thing won’t happen again.

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