Sunday 19 May 2013

The Greatest Message Of My Life

I choose not to disclose names for some certain reasons...but I was a living witness to this; It happened on one gracious Sunday morning. I decided to attend one of the new generation churches close to my domain. On entering the church from the western door, a man in his late 50's ushered me to a sit. I was so delighted the way he does this selfless service to people he had never seen before.
After the church service as I was going home, I met an old time friend and as we were chatting, I saw two soldiers on camouflage salute this usher man. I said to my friend, was it not this man that ushered me in today during church service? Without wasting time, he told me that the man you are seeing right there is an Army General...I went sober for such a role model from a man who understands that man is nothing but dust...
He didn't stand on the pulpit to preach to me but the message that radiates from the lifestyle of a man of that calibre permeates every heart more than 8 hours of sermon.
Indeed, that scenario was the greatest message of my life...
Life Is Vanity Upon Vanity...

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