Sunday 28 April 2013

You Don't Know The Full Content Of Their Journey.

Don't compare your life with others'. you have no idea what their journey is all about. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's. we would grab ours back as fast as we could.Look inside and discover your power source. We always look down on our self and seek solution where it never exists. Be strong in the mind and never compare another with yours; your destiny is different.
Do you know that people can be admiring you even when you are in serious problem just because of how you are managing your situation...It is a thing of the mind. One funny thing is that the coast will eventually be clear...Time heals virtually everything.
Take a deep breath...Stand on your feet...Focus and move on with your life for there lies greatness. If these words of inspiration feeds your soul...Share and drop your comment.

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