Saturday 20 April 2013

Raping Yourself To Ruin...

In the first place all sentiments should be set aside owing to Opemipo Jaji's origin and  innocent appearance;Crime is Crime-the rule of law.I am not in the right position to prove him right or wrong.My job here is to breakdown the mystery behind awful acts happening in our time every second of the day.Now,if you are wearing swimming trunk,you will act like someone who is about to swim.If you are wearing your sports attire,you will become emotionally fit to exercise your body.If you are on corporate attire you will act gentle,right?Now,take a deep breath and read on...If you are possessed by a demon whose assignment is to induce its victim with the uncontrollable urge to rape,no matter how tender and innocent you appear,you will act against yourself.And as soon as the evil spirit achieves its aim,you will come back to your real self to pay the price of your induced actions...Unfortunately the Law cannot lay its hands on the evil spirit but the medium of its operation-which is You....
It is time we take charge of our dear lives and say No to devilish influences...Don't fall a Victim.

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