Friday 19 April 2013

Not Every Witch Have Wings


 My concern here is not the type of witchcraft that flies at night through mysterious medium but the type that witch hunt people through the act of manipulating their behaviour in order to compel another to their selfish desire.Now,if you are in the habit of changing your behaviour knowingly or unknowingly so as to induce your partner to succumb to your personal desire,you are mysteriously witch hunting him/her.You are a day light witch if for no just course you repeatedly subject people under you by making them very uncomfortable whenever you are present.If you are the type that sees yourself as the most perfect and gets highly infuriated by any slightest mistake of another;you are mysteriously possessed by the spirit of witchcraft...If you find yourself exhibiting these devilish behaviour,then you are held captive by an evil spirit...You need deliverance.Note;if you find this post interesting,go ahead and share it.

1 comment:

Pat Nonso Nnoli said...

I must commend myself...