Nigerians are highly emotional people and that is why religion so called flourish here. When this kind of truth is told people becomes so emotionally engrossed to the point that they will crucify the fellow saying the unusual truth. I keep asking, where is our religious life taking us.Every Sunday they flood the church pretending to be filled with the holy spirit; but have something to do with them the next moment they will sting you like a wounded bee. People are committing suicide yet we have religious people littered everywhere constituting nuisance. They see you dying, but instead of approaching you to save a life, they prefer to cry in your burial...These are demonic people in disguise. I will stop here.
Note! nobody hates God in this country except that our country is filled with wicked liars who dupe people with their religious lies in exchange for material gain. God almighty have no joy in our hypocritical
religious lives.
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