This is a secret I have discovered but note; it purely reserved for young men who have high sense of self discipline and who are highly determined to be successful.
It is not by accident that men live their life mostly to please women;it is a natural tendency but when it is not well managed it can ruin you. Taking advantage of this will keep fueling you until greatness is attained.
Now look at how it works; Every great height men have attained was inspired by something.Apple fell from a tree and it triggered an inspiration.You must be inspired by something before you achieve something. Keeping a woman not a girlfriend;when I say a woman I mean that young lady you see with qualities that you want to keep,preserve and treasure for a life time. Such a woman by her conscious and unconscious behaviour will inspire you to achieve something to make her proud and prove you a man someday.
But in a situation you are alone,when you come home and there is no food on the table,you set for the bed and sleep for the next day but when you have somebody attached to you,a great sense of responsibility begins to glow in you and that will push you to make an extra ordinary effort for an extra ordinary result.
Remember you must have high sense of self discipline to embark on this. Marry her in the end,Please. That is an order. See you there.
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