Wednesday 2 October 2013

Enugu state Governor, Sullivan Chime's 53rd Independence Anniversary Speech

Enugu state Governor, Sullivan Chime has called on Nigerians to use the nation’s 53rd Independence Anniversary to embrace a new spirit of patriotism, sacrifice and commitment.

The governor, made the call in Enugu on Tuesday, in an anniversary message signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Chukwudi Achife.
It said that such would strengthen the unity and socio-economic and political well-being of the country.

According to the statement, contemporary events and circumstances in the country today are enough to compel all Nigerians to pursue ideals and visions that can only foster greater national integration and advancement.

``The nature of the challenges facing the nation, especially those concerning insecurity and frequent natural and unnatural tragedies, is enough to foist on all Nigerians a new sense of solidarity and comradeship.

``This will enable them to pool their resources together and pull the nation of out of her current challenges,’’ it said.

The statement, however, commended Nigerians for being able to sustain democracy, after many years of military rule, stressing that this provided the major building blocks for rapid development in all sectors of the economy.

It urged the people not to allow any person or groups to halt the current momentum of progress being recorded in different aspects of national development.

The statement said that all efforts must be made to root out divisive and subversive elements in the society.

It then prayed that God would grant the nation's leaders the wisdom and courage to tackle the multifarious problems and ensure that the dreams of her founding fathers were all actualised. (NAN)

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