Tuesday 1 October 2013


Yesterday, I got a very sad email from friends of Folakemi Akinbode(pictured above), the corper nurse whose head was almost chopped off by cultists in Yenogua Bayelsa as she served her father land through youth service. By sheer providence she escaped death, but not unscarred. The cultists who aimed for her neck almost chopped off her arm.

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Yesterday, I got a very sad email from friends of Folakemi Akinbode(pictured above), the corper nurse whose head was almost chopped off by cultists in Yenogua Bayelsa as she served her father land through youth service. By sheer providence she escaped death, but not unscarred. The cultists who aimed for her neck almost chopped off her arm.

When the news broke and went viral, An Italian firm that remains unknown promised to step in and take up the matter. Government was also quick to step in(or so we thought) as it was announced on various mediums that she will be flown abroad where the arm will be properly treated, and hopefully salvaged.Considering that the incident happened as she served her country, it was an a very welcome development when government and and the Italian Firm promised to foot her medical bill.

But lo and behold! I got the email below from her friends saying that NOTHING has been done by government or any Italian firm till date. In fact, Folakemi's health continues to deteriorate as she groans in growing, excruciating pain daily. As this rate, the probability that her arm will be saved lies solely in God's hands. However, it is her life that should be feared for now, not even just arm.

At the moment, Her friends and hospital sources at Niger Delta teaching hospital where she is presently on admission say that she has been moved from intensive care to the GENERAL WARD. She no longer receives adequate treatment the arm deserves.

See the unedited email I got from her friends below:

It's about MISS AKINBODE FOLAKEMI (A NURSE) a present Serving Corps Member in Bayelsa State, observing her Primary Assignment in Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital (NDUTH)!
MISS AKINBODE, was attacked by some boys @ about 8.30pm on her way back from work (evening shift) on the 5th NIGHT of August this year 2013. They wanted to snatch her handbag, but before she realized what was happening, another boy brought out a matchet & was going to cut off her head. Luckily however, she made use of her hands to dodge her head.. As a result, they almost had her right hand cut off! They cut both the Bones, Nerves, Arteries, Veins etc.. Friend, as you read this right now, NOTHING is been done to ensure MISS AKINBODE receives "Adequate Medical Treatment!"

In fact, when the incident occurred,the DRS in her PPA (Place of Primary Assignment-NDUTH) confessed that the case isn't something that can be handled here in Nigeria due to lack of appropriate equipment.
The FG is actually supposed to send her abroad where she can receive a better & a proper medical care, so she doesn't get to loose her hand eventually, & its function; since it can't be treated here in Nigeria.. But until now, NOTHING is been done about it; It is already getting to "TWO MONTHS" now, yet NOTHING is still being done to ensure her hand DOESN'T deteriorates further! The bones has not been touched, the nerves & veins hasn't been touched either.. The wound is so much at risk of SEVERE INFECTION! The publication on the Vanguard News Paper, which states that, "she has been flown abroad" are all LIES! I sincerely tell you that MISS AKINBODE has NOT passed the NDUTH gate, since that unfortunate incident. How terrible!!!
Please dear friend, help BROADCAST this message, until it is likely to get to anyone who could help INTERVENE!

From all indication, we can no longer rely on a lying Government to save Folakemi's life.
This is why I call on all well meaning, kind hearted Nigerians, to come to Folakemi's aid. Folakemi could be our friend, sister or neighbor. This could happen to anyone.
Daily, many Nigerian youths risk their lives(as most have no choice) despite the chaotic security state of the nation, through the National youth service, and many have lost their lives in the process. Sadly most times as in this case, the government turns a blind eye.
I implore you all to please come to Folakemi's aid once again. Please publicize her story so that Government,people in high places as well as private individuals who can help may rise to the occasion as soon as possible.

To help please call these numbers:


Thank you!!!

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