Friday 27 September 2013

Meet PRICKASSO The Artist Who Paints With His Penis


He is an artist from Australia, whose nickname is Prickasso. The Australian gained a worldwide recognition as he uses his penis instead of a paintbrush to create pictures!
The artist became popular after exhibiting on 10th Annual Sexexpo Show back in 2006. Tim presented his pictures and declared himself as the founder of a new genre – Penis-Art.
Since then Tim Patch has really became a master of such an unconventional painting technique.
It's really symbolic that Prickasso, who uses his child-making organ, therefore gives birth to new pictures.
Tim Patch admits that he is more interested in drawing women's portraits.
Politicians celebrities and nature have a lower priority in his works.
It's hard to imagine how these ladies feel, as they see a naked man is just several meters away from them.

See Below for more pics:

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