Sunday 25 August 2013

Michelle Obama Says America Needs A Female President

In a recent interview with Parade magazine, Michelle Obama said the American people are ready for a female president. But she isn’t endorsing Hillary Clinton, just yet.

“[Hillary] hasn’t announced anything, so I’m certainly not going to get ahead of her,” Obama said.

Speculation over Clinton’s aim for the White House heightened after Pres. Barack Obama and Clinton met for lunch last month. Clinton’s fundraising for 2016’s presidential election reportedly began several years ago. The Clinton Foundation, a supposed non-profit run by Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton will become a “launching pad” for Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Michelle Obama said that the first woman president would be “who’s the best person out there.”

Right now, Clinton’s the only female contender from the Democratic Party. The Republican Party’s nomination is still widely disputed.

Do you think Hillary Clinton will be the first female president?

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