Tuesday 20 August 2013

Kim Kardashian Bashes “Fake Media Friend” Katie Couric on Twitter & Instagram

If we were to go by Jennifer Aniston and Kim Kardashian, it would appear that celebrities don’t like Katie Couric.As you’ll recall, Jennifer Aniston recently blasted the veteran journalist during an interview with “Chelsea Lately.”

“What’s Katie Couric?” Aniston asked. “Is she a legitimate journalist? Is she getting tabloidy? Wasn’t she on the Today show?”

As we pointed out at the time, yes, Couric is a legitimate journalist.

Her 34-year career and the fact that she’s had contracts with NBC, ABC, and ABC news proves that. As does the fact that she’s worked for a variety of top shows like “60 Minutes” and CBS Evening News.”

Compared to, say a reality star, Couric has done some remarkable things. But that didn’t stop the almighty Kim K from taking to Instagram to bash the Emmy-winner.

On Friday, the new mom posted a photo of the baby gift Couric sent over from Barney’s New York. The gift also contained a note from the “Katie” host.

“Dear Kim and Kanye, Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!” it read. “And may I humbly suggest you continue the K tradition.”

From the pic, it looks as though the gift was white, polka dot pajamas. For whatever reason, this made Kim pretty angry and posted a pretty cold response.

“#IHateFakeMediaFriends,” she wrote. ”#MayIHumblySuggestYouNotSendGiftsThenTalkSh*t.
Call me crazy but if you have an issue with someone, is it mature to share your disdain for them with millions of people? Besides, is the person who named her baby North West really the best judge of character?

As the Huffington Post pointed out, the slam was most likely a response to a comment Couric made to In Touch Weekly, which, if you ask us, isn’t really that big a deal. “I don’t understand—why are [the Kardashians] so famous?,” she asked the mag.

But for some odd reason, the talk show host believes that she must publicly apologize to the almighty Kim K.

“I was responding to a reporter’s question, and explaining how I’m intrigued by the public’s fascination with her family,” she said in a statement to E! News. “I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. The gift is genuine, and I’m happy for Kim and Kanye.”

Note to Katie: When someone publicly insults you in the tackiest way possible, they should apologize; not you.

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