Monday 17 June 2013

This Is What I Have For YOU...But Be Careful

I want to reveal this to You:
 If you are really making a sincere effort in your life; I mean struggling like there is no God(our helper), though with the full awareness that you cannot do without Him...Quote me! you will and must make it by surprise.
When you are struggling to survive, notice that you are really growing only that you've not grabbed the ultimate- Money. This growth disguises itself so much that you will feel like you are stagnant; and that is where many begins to backslide.
Though you have not meet your financial breakthrough but you must be:

  1. Growing in knowledge.
  2. You must be knowing more people as the day go by.
  3. As you know more people, you start becoming influential.
  4. You start becoming influential for not everything can be acquired with money
  5. You can never go penniless.
  6. Even if you do, people around will be willing to help for they know you are not a lazy man- just circumstantial.
  7. They will be willing because you are already a moving train.
  8. You might not notice your worth but people around knows. Most importantly God.
  9. Know that you are undergoing a spiritual test.
Nothing! I mean nothing prevents God from blessing you the very moment you asked fervently for financial breakthrough or whatever but you must pass the necessary test for the later is unavoidable.
Never slumber for a second. Encourage yourself and keep moving for you have gathered so much personal worth that it will be equated to sin if you backslide...Keep moving. You might enter into a Glorious life as you make just the next step...keep moving...Be careful not to backslide.

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