Thursday 23 May 2013

The Devil Have Come To Stay.


"The crazed attackers, blood ­dripping from their hands, shouted that no man could pass before allowing her to kneel beside the headless corpse, where she appeared to pray for him.
Other shocked witnesses told how the victim was butchered by the pair, who seemed oblivious to passers-by.
The horror unfolded in John Wilson Street, Woolwich, South East London at 2.20pm.
After 20 minutes of carnage, armed police arrived and shot the maniacs, leaving a blood-soaked scene littered with weapons..."

If you look at this incident ordinarily, you will see human suspects; but look at it a little while then you will begin to see demons clothed in human flesh. A normal human will desist from killing his fellow man but when he becomes possessed by demons through a gradual mysterious crafty process, he will begin to carryout missions beyond his will...because the will is in bondage. See how bold the demons was...not afraid of humans.
We can fight this for the Grace is sufficient. The only way to fight and conquer this is to always give account of our daily life. The life we are living now, what is the after effect of it? This is a very important question to ask so that we can always be in control of our minds. It is the absence of this that lands a man to a destination he can never give account of how he managed to be there.
Lets do this together for a better humanity.

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