Tuesday 28 May 2013

Didier Drogba In An Interview 'Against Racism'

"It happend in the time i played for Chelsea. One day we had a public training & many fans were there to watch us. A young boy waved, so i just went over to him, i thought he wants an autograph.

When i stood in front of him i asked him 'Hey young mister, do you want an autograph?' He called me a Nigger.
His father got angry & told his son that he mustn't say this word.

I told him i'll do this. I went on my knees & looked the young boy in his eyes & said

'Look, i'm black and you're white, now i'll show you something...'

I took his hand and led it to my Chest.... 'Can you feel it? I have a heartbeat - like you. I have two hands - like you.
And i have two feets too - like you! When i get hurt i say 'ouch' - like you do! Do you realize something? We're both humans, no matter if i'm black or white.'

The boy started to cry & ran into his father's arms. He had tears in his eyes too. I gave the young boy my jersey as a sign of my respect!"


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