Thursday 30 May 2013

Before The War Begins, The Commander Or King Must Speak, Why?

Before the battle begins, the king or the commander must address his troops. Do you know why? The usual  courageous and fearless speech must be made in order to achieve oneness of spirit. Such speech will make a man not to fear death anymore rather will crave to face it. Such speech will make a man forget his loving wife, family, friends and pleasures of life and choose to fight for honour; and even die honourably.
My message boils down to reveal that what happens to a man starts from his Mind to elude him of his possessions.
You are not a failure because you were destined to fail but because you have succeeded in molding your mind into failure.
By birth, you are not a failure but by thinking you can become one. A man might be born in the hut but mind you! that the hut is not in him.
Once again good morning and remain blessed...see you there.

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