Sunday, 4 September 2016

Great Lessons From Mark Zuckerberg's Visit To Nigeria

1. Investors are like ants they know where the sugar is. You don't need to waste tax payers money looking for foreign investors. They will come when they see the opportunities.
2. Real businessmen know their ecosystem so they focus on the ecosystem and not government. Any investor that goes straight to the government house is simply looking for contracts.
3. Entrepreneurs build economies. Some of the prominent large sized outfits were not created by government and neither is the growing tech ecosystem a creation of government. The change that we desire is not going to come from government, but from entrepreneurs.
4. The wealth of a country will originate from the entrepreneurial force in that society.
5. They see things you cannot see with a microscope and bring them to reality...
 It is time for entrepreneurial revolution.

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